3 Steps To Living The Life You Deserve – Part 1

Have you ever tried to change something about your life only to find yourself right back in the same spot a short time later?

You’re not alone.

I remember when I was trying to get healthier about 5 years ago. I decided I’d eat better, work out more… the standard diet and exercise stuff.

But guess what? Just a few weeks later I fell right back into my old habits and routines.

And I experienced the same pattern when I first tried to be an investor and entrepreneur. I kept falling back into the same money and spending habits as before.

It was frustrating, but I kept moving forward.

It wasn’t until I surrounded myself with successful business owners and entrepreneurs that I saw a common pattern among them… one I used in my own life and now help others in our community follow as well.

It’s only three steps and I’ll share the first step here.

Now, each of the three steps can have many exercises and lessons, but let’s keep it simple.

If you’re looking to make a change in your life… and it can be money, career, relationships, health… follow these three steps.

The first step is to know WHERE you are right now and WHY you are where you’re at right now.

Really knowing where you’re at in life today is very important because the decisions you’ve made, influences, education, and experiences in your life have led to here and now.

And too often, those influences and experiences create limiting beliefs and habits that keep us in our current situation. So if you try to make a change, those beliefs and habits hold us back.

So knowing what those beliefs and habits are, so you can recognize when they are creating an obstacle for you, is an important first step.

So here’s a quick exercise.

First, choose a topic such as money, career, relationships, etc., that you want to change. Then, write down 3 to 5 influences in your life, past or present, that have led you to where you’re at today. This can be family, friends, employer, education system, etc. How did they influence you, are they still influencing you today, are they holding you back?

Second, write down 3-5 limiting beliefs you have that may be holding you back. Some examples are “money is the source of all evil” or “I’m not smart enough” or “I’m not pretty enough.”
Then write down the opposite of those limiting beliefs. Examples based on the ones above are “money is the tool I can use to help others” or “I know how to go get the knowledge I need” or “I’m beautiful, attractive, and full of joy.”

Here’s a quick video regarding this first step.

This first step is about awareness of where we are so when we do start to make changes, we don’t hold ourselves back.

In the next email, we’ll look at step 2, which is my favorite!

To Your Success,


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