You Have No Time To Read Books?

Have you always promised yourself… ”I’m going to read this book”, but never found the time?

Do you have a stack of books for when you have a free moment?

That was me.

All those unread books…tons of info waiting to take me to the next level.

I actually bought more books than I read! That was the action that made me feel better.

Amazon was my nemesis with their tricky “One-click buy”…my kryptonite.

So I decided to make a change..I had a gold mine sitting right next to me, but couldn’t find the time to make it a priority.

Once I did…I read more books in one year than I had in the past 10.

And it was easy.

Below I’ve given you my 6 simple tips that I followed to a “T.”

You can implement them in your life too.

Here’s the thing…

Books are packed with knowledge. They’re a huge resource just waiting for us to start flipping those pages.

People write books because they have valuable information to share. It’s one of the easiest and most efficient ways for us to learn from others.

So here’s what I’m doing…

I’m reading at least 12 books for 2018. I keep it at one per month because experience has told me that’s what I can manage and keep me excited…not overwhelmed. I can always add more.

I’m starting off with…

January was Tribe by Sebastian Junger

February is Principles by Ray Dalio. (this one is much bigger!)

Here are the tips to follow to set you up for success…

6 tips I used to break my destructive “Not Reading Habit”…

1. Commit to reading a certain number of books. Keep it manageable…which makes in enjoyable.

2. Find books you are interested in. Start with the ones sitting on your shelf!

3. Analyze how long it should take you to finish. Use the Rich Dad Poor Dad Strategy at the end of this email or check out this awesome tool.

4. Set aside a specific amount of time per day. Schedule it. Block it out. This is Your Time.

5. Only one book at a time!

6. Turn off you phone.

HINT…follow #5 and #6 religiously! These can derail you…keep your attention and time focused on one thing only.

Once you have the reading scheduled and blocked out, you’ll love it. It becomes your time…

Your Time to relax. Have a cup of coffee. Sit outside on the deck or grab a blanket and jump in your favorite chair.

Your Time to learn and grow. Books are chock full of great ideas…and his is your opportunity to implement those ideas in your life.

How often do you set aside time for you every day right now?

That changes…NOW.

I choose to do my reading in the morning. I’ve made it part of my routine.

This leaves me energized and ready for the day…I’ve got some new great ideas to think about and I’ve already started taking some action.

This has been a game-changer for me.

Here’s the most important thing…

Find out what works best for you and your life. You have a limited amount of time…by using these simple tips that time will become much more valuable.

Here’s to your Learning and Growing this Year!

Jake Fouts

PS: What books have given you massive value? Let us know. We’d love to check them out and share them with our community.

Rich Dad Poor Dad (how long to read)

12 words per line

36 lines per page

195 pages

84,240 words

250 words per minute average (w/ 70% retention)

337 minutes

60 minutes = 5.6 hours or…

30 minutes per day

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